Sunday, January 17, 2010

what a day!

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Last Monday..yaya,mr papa and i went to immigration in subang to renew my passport and a new passport for yaya.Terminal 2 subang if i'm not mistaken.It was a bad experience i wud say.First,we couldnt find where the hell is the bloody immigration until mr papa ask around and there it was,an old building about to collapse,looking like some rundown gudang without any signboard watsoever at the main road.The only signage was at the building itself which if you're driving alone i'm sure you would've miss it.. it would be ridiculous for u to turn and look because the car there..Woah..they are in a race,man.Sume kereta laju gile.if u slow down theres a chance u get knocked by another car yang laju gile and tak sempat nak brake.Nak lintas jalan pon takot ok.
The bloody signage was not visible enough from the main road.Font dia sangat laa kecik,semut jek yang boleh bace.Cant they spend a little bit of money to at least improve the look?or at least put up a damn signboard kat jalan besar tu so people at least know there is an immigration office there!
Then after risking our life and a near death experiece crossing the main road since we parked quite far,we walked into the immigration office and i have a feeling this place is definitely not a baby friendly office.Yang konon baby friendly pon ade this room konon2 breastfeeding room,yang aku rase kalau sekali tendang jek boleh roboh bilik tuh.And i do warn claustrophobic moms,if u dont want to die of suffocation,please..get away from there!After a few episodes with yaya yang takmau tangkap gambar and throwing tantrum (cause she wanted the pen yang i'm using to fill up the forms.The ONE AND ONLY pen ok.They dont provide pens there.So do bring your own pen.Not sure about other branch but this branch definitely lack of everything!Not just pen) more thing.I did download forms from the website that we need to fill in.Kat situ dia kate sile print,both sides and isi.So thats wat i did,And guess wat.When i handed in the filled forms,dia suruh isi gune form dia sbb form yang i kasik nih cannot be read by their machine.Watthe?Can u just remove the forms from the website already??jangan laa buat org tensen!!!
And then we waited for our turn which is so damn lama laa of course sbb counter ade 5yang bukaknye 1 jek!!!!kalau ade janggut nih dah boleh sembunyik yaya dah dlm tuh.i'm so close to my boiling point and then tetibe voila...miraculously 3 kaunter bukak..mane pegi para2 manusie nih before this?aku malas nak pikir.and then its my turn after 2 hrs and by then yaya dah start merengek rengek ajak balik.and u know what?i thot the passport tuh boleh siap on the same day.Tapi..since diorang sgt lembap i have to get my passport on the next day!!!!!!kau ingat aku nih boss ke boleh amik cuti sesuka hati???!!!arghh!!mmg aku takkan datang lagi imigresen kat subang nih..and to u guys pon same.tak payah laa..buat dosa jek menyumpah seranah.I heard the imigresen at shah alam and wangsa maju is much much better.i've been to shah alam and its not bad.I pegi yang kat subang nih coz its closer to my house.hah!menyesal!
So,inilah hasil tangkapan gambar yaya..Notice mr.papa's hand and the baju senget?..sigh~
Seb baik diorang pandai nak crop


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