Thursday, January 28, 2010

3 am yaya???!!3 am??

Thursday, January 28, 2010
I was damn sleepy last nite..i tertido tak ingat dunia until mr hubby woke me up at 10pm and cakap yaya tak mau tido.So I masukkan dia dlm buai and pakse suruh dia tido.After 1 hour of bergelut and silat she finally fell asleep.Akibat pakse anak tido -

She woke up at 3 am and screamed her lungs out.I got panicked thinking i tertolak dia in my sleep ke or mr hubby terhempap dia or something like that but she just scream with her eyes shut and i asked her "yaya nak ape?yaya nak ape?" with my panic voice.In my head was thinking mungkin anak aku sakit perot kot.Dah nak suruh mr hubby capai minyak telon dah nih.Dah ready dah nak jadik tukang urut nih.And tau tak dia jawab ape,"nak marney"..let me translate-"Nak Barney".i was like wat???!!!!wat time is it already morning.?am i late for work.Cause usually yaya ask for barney when i tengah bersiap nak pi keje.I suruh mr hubby check the time.He grabbed his handphone.Its 3 am!!!!!!apakah yaya???!kenapakah mau tengok barney pukul 3 pagi.Ini barney sudah mandrem ka sama yaya?I tried to get her back to sleep.She still insisted on watching Barney.Wat to do.Mr hubby pon bangun and pasang la barney.Terloncat loncat dia ok di tgh2 pagi buta itiew!mama kau yang tgh mengantuk tak hengat nih kau buat tak pedulik eh?
So we let her watched barney at 3 am and i yang tgh mengantuk nih tah bebile tah boleh tertido.i terjage pukul 4 and she was still watching.Kesian mr hubby pon tgh teman dia tengok (Yes lah boleh sambung tido.muahaha)So i got back to my dreamland and at 5 am i terjage again both of them dah terbongkang.So pengajaran di sini,remind me not to pakse yaya to tido anymore.Gilok kalau tiap2 hari macam nih.~sigh.And this morning i woke up with a headache...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

yey yaya!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Yaya dah improved.This morning,when the nursery's owner (from now on i shall call her Aishah) came to pick up yaya,she did not cry!!She's not happy of course but at least she didnt cry!Yey!yaya dah serasi dgn aunty aishah!yey again.It took her 2 months to get used to being sent to nursery.And finally..yaya is cured!Alhamdulillah..

Sunday, January 17, 2010

what a day!

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Last Monday..yaya,mr papa and i went to immigration in subang to renew my passport and a new passport for yaya.Terminal 2 subang if i'm not mistaken.It was a bad experience i wud say.First,we couldnt find where the hell is the bloody immigration until mr papa ask around and there it was,an old building about to collapse,looking like some rundown gudang without any signboard watsoever at the main road.The only signage was at the building itself which if you're driving alone i'm sure you would've miss it.. it would be ridiculous for u to turn and look because the car there..Woah..they are in a race,man.Sume kereta laju gile.if u slow down theres a chance u get knocked by another car yang laju gile and tak sempat nak brake.Nak lintas jalan pon takot ok.
The bloody signage was not visible enough from the main road.Font dia sangat laa kecik,semut jek yang boleh bace.Cant they spend a little bit of money to at least improve the look?or at least put up a damn signboard kat jalan besar tu so people at least know there is an immigration office there!
Then after risking our life and a near death experiece crossing the main road since we parked quite far,we walked into the immigration office and i have a feeling this place is definitely not a baby friendly office.Yang konon baby friendly pon ade this room konon2 breastfeeding room,yang aku rase kalau sekali tendang jek boleh roboh bilik tuh.And i do warn claustrophobic moms,if u dont want to die of suffocation,please..get away from there!After a few episodes with yaya yang takmau tangkap gambar and throwing tantrum (cause she wanted the pen yang i'm using to fill up the forms.The ONE AND ONLY pen ok.They dont provide pens there.So do bring your own pen.Not sure about other branch but this branch definitely lack of everything!Not just pen) more thing.I did download forms from the website that we need to fill in.Kat situ dia kate sile print,both sides and isi.So thats wat i did,And guess wat.When i handed in the filled forms,dia suruh isi gune form dia sbb form yang i kasik nih cannot be read by their machine.Watthe?Can u just remove the forms from the website already??jangan laa buat org tensen!!!
And then we waited for our turn which is so damn lama laa of course sbb counter ade 5yang bukaknye 1 jek!!!!kalau ade janggut nih dah boleh sembunyik yaya dah dlm tuh.i'm so close to my boiling point and then tetibe voila...miraculously 3 kaunter bukak..mane pegi para2 manusie nih before this?aku malas nak pikir.and then its my turn after 2 hrs and by then yaya dah start merengek rengek ajak balik.and u know what?i thot the passport tuh boleh siap on the same day.Tapi..since diorang sgt lembap i have to get my passport on the next day!!!!!!kau ingat aku nih boss ke boleh amik cuti sesuka hati???!!!arghh!!mmg aku takkan datang lagi imigresen kat subang nih..and to u guys pon same.tak payah laa..buat dosa jek menyumpah seranah.I heard the imigresen at shah alam and wangsa maju is much much better.i've been to shah alam and its not bad.I pegi yang kat subang nih coz its closer to my house.hah!menyesal!
So,inilah hasil tangkapan gambar yaya..Notice mr.papa's hand and the baju senget?..sigh~
Seb baik diorang pandai nak crop

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Saturday, January 16, 2010
After 11 days.It finally came.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

how i wishh..

Thursday, January 14, 2010
seriously for money to grow on trees.Banyaknye benda nak kene beli.nak kene settle.nak kene bayar.and of course laa yang paling geram tu bile rase ringan jek tangan nak tekan button checkout kat online is never enough.Give it-la berape pon gaji,i'm sure it will never satisfy my hunger for stuffs.never enough.
And why the hell the bosses belom announce bonus brape bulan???Please jangan cakap takde bonus.Akan ku hamuk keliling opis not kidding.Things that i want so badly
  1. I so want new pair of jeans cause i'm getting FAT day by day and i can foresee that in 1 month time my big fat bum bum cant fit into my jeans anymore(yeah..there goes my new year resolution down the drain six feet under).
  2. GPS.Oh sweet,sweet technology.i so need one since i can easily get lost even in my own bedroom(yeap,am being dramatic.but can u get the picture?)I dont want the china cikai one.I want GARMIN.I can settle on whichever GARMIN model as long as its GARMIN.I memang susah nak ingat jalan ok.Drop me in the middle of KL and i'll take the public transport home and leave my car there in the middle of the road.Cause i dont know how to get back!!
  3. Handbags and shoes!Lots of 'em.i'm a girl what can i say?
  4. Tudung munawwarah pelbagai kaler to go with each of my clothes.haha.
  5. Playground for yaya.Something like this would be nice.

The End.


I'm late.Like 8 days late.But i'm not worried tho.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Aisya Zahra Binti Zulhaidy

1 year 7 mths (13th June 2008)


Trying yaya's luck on this one.First contest for this blog and yaya.Good Luck to us!hehe.And do come and join if you're've got nothing to lose and perhaps something to WIN!hihi..Visit MOBS for details.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just the three of us

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The three of us went to kuantan for a vacation (after a few hints here and there to mr papa since we have to cancel our langkawi vacation with the in laws)..Tension mak tau..rm500 lebih terbang camtuh jek sbb ade deployment on monday which i thot we're suppose to be back on sunday(kes2 miscommunication oleh pihak mr papa.Dont try to get me started on that.)Which from now on i have to remind myself not to let him plan out vacation way.From now on I am going to handle all the vacation schedule,plan,choose the hotel..bla..bla..except for the expenses laa of our kuantan vacation.It was one relaxed and most fun vacation.Eventhough sebenarnye kitorang takde pegi memane pon.just lepak in the room,swimming,visit my sedara,and refresh my childhood memories.I was born in Kuantan and deep down inside i still love Kuantan.Kuantan has been my playground till i was 9 years old.I have best friends here which i have lost touch with.and my old house did not look like it used to be.It did not have that homey feeling anymore.But there are parts of Kuantan which still reminds me of the old times.And i'm glad i can still show it to mr papa and i hope one day to yaya.I feel like getting out the car and carved 'i was here once upon a time' at the Kuantan old bus station.Somehow it still looks the same.

So,in Kuantan,we stayed in De Rhu Beach Resort.I think its a nice resort apart from the swimming pool yg compang camping di sana-sini tapi still best.The swimming pool is seriously HUGE and the hospitality and breakfast are good.Overall i gave 4 out of 5 stars.All in all i enjoyed my stay in De Rhu.The best part were the Big Big swimming pool and of course the King Size BED!Man..its big.I think its super King ke hape.The bed yang usually was fuly conquered by my anak dara yg lasak mase tido smpai papa and mama terpakse tidur di hujung tanduk saja.On this bed,we have all the space we need!!

At nite we had dinner with joyah my ex-childhoodmate cum Kuantan-mate,ex-schoolmate,ex-Subangmate.Thanks joy and kash for bringing us to the lovely dinner.And thanks to mr kash yg blanje us makan.Baik betul!!Lenkali blanje lagi ok??!hehe.

ok..tetibe dah hilang mood nak mengarang.So sambung later..Just bare with me.I'm one lazy writer.eheh..I'll upload more photos later.

whats up?

yeah,i know..i know..its been quite a while..OK..a quick update.Kitorang dah jumpe a new nursery for yaya.Which is a big relief.Nursery baru nih owner dia sangat laa baik.And very caring towards yaya.So that helps a lot.Since yaya is a bit of a drama queen.Everytime hantar nak kene nangis secara sebak and dramatik siap "mama..mama..tidaaak.."..hah..if that is not dramatic enough i dont know what is..ahaha...but she seems ok with the bibik.and the as long as yaya is not cranky after balik from the nursery like the previous one,we're okay as well.and i hope yaya boleh laa stay kat sini smpai dia besar.
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