Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yaya Demam

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ya Allah...awatlaa yang eden malas sangat nak update blog nih??!!Dah brape lame dah nih...shheeeshh..Anyway,yaya was down with temperature starting last thursday nite.She was all ok during the day (minus the fact that she cried at each pick up and drop off time at the nursery for the past whole week)..back at home that thursday nite she was a happy and lasak kid as usual.Edy and me thot,well lets give her a break from all the cries she made so we decided to sleep over at his mother's house in kepong.So i started packing.At that time,she still seems ok.But her body is quite warm.Amik temperature macam demam sikit.But yaya tak merengek,so i just let her continue with watever she was doing (hangkut barang mainan dari depan pegi dapur and pegi depan balik..ape point?seriously no idea..nanti mama tanye yaya exercise style ape tuh yg yaya buat bile yaya besar nanti ok?).

So when we reached kepong,my sil tegur kate badan yaya is quite warm.so i decided to bring yaya to the clinic amik ubat just in case she's down with a fever.Memang betul pon.The next day her temperature was 38C.So i took half day.Tak sedap hati nak tinggal yaya lame2 eventho mil yang jage.But still the motherly instinct.I just need to be there for her.Nak nak lagi skarang ni kes h1n1.heeshhh..mintak simpang.Then saturday her fever got worse especially during the nite.Asek merengek jek.Mama and papa amik shift lap badan yaya to lower the temp.And keje asek nak bergayut jek.Mulut tuh tak berenti nyonyot.Sampai lenguh ni*ple mama--oleh ke lenguh??ahaha.And the next day on sunday,she was back to her old self(playful banyak mulut and 'busy')..fuh!lega!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

what shud i do?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
This morning I sent yaya to her new nursery.The owner,which the children call "Teacher Ani" seems like a nice lady.And knowing that one of the boys there has been under her care since he's a baby and now the boy is 5 years old makes me think that i'm making the right move sending yaya here.Kalau akak tu tak OK takkan ade orang hantar anak kat situ sampai umur anak dia 5 tahun kan?But now i'm in doubt.Yesterday,when i sent yaya to the nursery,she seems happy.Even the teacher hulur tangan nak amik dia pon she's ok with it.But this morning,as soon as she saw the teacher's face,she started to cry.really really loud.she hold on to me so tight,sampai i jadi serba salah.Wat shud i do?Shud i find another nursery?shud i send her back to her babysitter?sigh~..But the problem is the babysitter tak boleh nak jaga.Dia selalu amik cuti.Thats the main reason why i have to find a nursery for yaya.And worst of all She cant take care of yaya during fasting month.And i tak boleh nak hantar yaya balik rumah my mil.shes taking care of my sis in law punye baby.Still in confinement.How la?How la?or shud i just give it another month see how it goes?yeah..maybe i shud give it another month kan?probably yaya tak serasi lagi with the new teacher.ishh..i hate feeling like this.
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